Bst Your Farming Yields

Black INK is the Everscale based protocol designed to increase FlatQube users APY and farming results as simple as possible.

Earn Up to
% Boost
on farming pools
APY Boost
Automatic Reinvest
When the reward expected value exceeds the cost per reinvest, then user can execute the harvest method for that contract. All reinvests on the Black INK platform are done automatically by keepers for a fee of a certain percentage of the reinvested amount.

— Black INK is the farming boosting protocol designed for the users. The protocol works with user deposits and maximizes farming liquidity providers’ APY. Its main goal is to claim and reinvest user reward any time when the expected reward amount exceeds the cost per reinvest.

Start Earning with EVER Wallet

Premier wallet for the Everscale blockchain. Download the extension and connect it with Black INK protocol in order to start earning with boosted farming.